Nova Scotia Offshore Wind R&D Forum

Nova Scotia Offshore Wind R&D Forum
November 18, 2024
Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel

“Shaping the future of offshore wind in Nova Scotia”

The Nova Scotia Offshore Wind R&D Forum will bring together the leading minds in offshore wind R&D to Halifax, Nova Scotia on November 18, 2024, at the Marriott Harbourfront Hotel. The Forum is hosted by Net Zero Atlantic and will be held in connection with the Marine Renewables Canada Conference, providing a specialized stream by highlighting research and development in the offshore wind sector.

Core activities: Researchers and technical experts will share their insights to assist leaders in the development of the offshore wind sector in Nova Scotia. New strategies and networks are being established to advance development and sustainability in the North American eastern seaboard region and globally. The Forum will discuss research findings, identify what are the gaps in R&D and what is needed to fill these areas with knowledge, while keeping pace and recognizing the opportunities as the sector steadily progresses.

Program basics: The Forum program will feature over 15 sessions, 50+ technical presentations and 200+ attendees across one day. Concurrent speaker sessions, plenaries, keynotes, a student program, and poster sessions will discuss every aspect of offshore wind energy under three main themes – environment, technology, and policy and regulation. Session topics include supply chains, permitting, grid interconnection, socioeconomics, geoscience and geotechnology, environmental effects, resource assessments and marine spatial planning.

The details of the Forum’s program will be released in the coming days. Please check the Forum website for further details. CLICK HERE.

Opportunity: Call for Speakers and Poster Presentations is open until September 13, 2024.

The Nova Scotia Offshore Wind R&D Forum Call for Abstracts is your opportunity to be a part of the largest research and development for Nova Scotia’s evolving offshore wind industry.

Are you working on innovative projects related to the offshore wind industry? If so, we want to hear from you!

Researchers are now invited to submit abstracts for both oral presentations and poster presentations outlining their research and development associated with the following offshore wind related themes. Your submission does not need to fall under one specific theme; we welcome submissions from all different perspectives.

We encourage abstracts from academia (both student and faculty), associations, companies, communities, governments, research associations, and any other institution with a passionate understanding or interest in offshore wind related topics.

For a full Call for Submission details, including the list of offshore wind topics, please CLICK HERE.

Submission, Review and Notification Schedule (oral and poster presentations):

  • Call for abstracts released: August 16, 2024
  • Abstract submission deadline: September 13, 2024
  • Peer Review Period: September 13 - 19, 2024
  • Author notification of acceptance: by September 20, 2024
  • Presentations: November 18, 2024

For more information, please contact Nalani Perry, Event Manager, at

This Nova Scotia Offshore Wind R&D Forum is hosted by Net Zero Atlantic and commissioned by the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources & Renewables.